The Smile Program is Coming to Jenkintown

Smile Program
The Smile Program is coming to Jenkintown on January 4, 2024.  If your child has not had a dental visit in the last 6 months, they are eligible to participate.

Some students can participate for free if they have CHIP or Medicaid.

Private insurance can also be used according to your dental plan.

If you do not have dental insurance but would like your child to participate, there is a fee that can be paid and services provided.

I’ve attached the link to the form that needs to be filled out.  Please return it by December 8, 2023, if you want your child(ren) to participate.  We need 25 students to be involved for the Smile Program staff to come to our school.

Please reach out to Liz Hetrick with any questions. or 215-884-2933 extension 111.